The Loser (Pulp Animation): a series of professional slip-ups and fatal coincidences leads the life of an ordinary underdog to a gory denouement. Yet another gem about the power of fate's mockery in the filmography of the melancholic poet Yuri Semashko.
11 min.
10, 16, 19 NOVEMBER ONLINE. FROM 00:00 TO 23:59
6 november, 19:00 Vilnius, Skalvija
new gaze
Blood and Karaoke
Dir. Yuri Semashko | Poland | 2023
The Loser (Pulp Animation): a series of professional slip-ups and fatal coincidences leads the life of an ordinary underdog to a gory denouement. Yet another gem about the power of fate's mockery in the filmography of the melancholic poet Yuri Semashko.
10, 16, 19 NOVEMBER ONLINE. FROM 00:00 TO 23:59
11 min.
6 november, 19:00 Vilnius, Skalvija
new gaze
A timid supermarket security guard gets into a fatal confrontation with an overly confident criminal.